Intimacy is the essential foundation of romantic relationships, relying on open and honest communication, trust, and, most commonly, sexual expression. Navigating sexual activity and intimacy with MS can be affected directly and indirectly by physical, psychosocial, and emotional changes, which involve the support of your partner and care physicians. By taking a comprehensive approach that builds on the foundation of trust and communication, you and your partner can enjoy a more pleasurable and stimulating experience.

Building Trust & Open Communication are Key

Openly discussing your emotional and physical health continues to build the foundation of intimacy, allowing you to focus on the safety, comfort, and pleasure of your sexual relationship. It is important to be vulnerable with your partner to connect and strengthen your emotional bond. Having a dialogue about physical limitations and seeking emotional support through shifting dynamics fosters understanding to create a space where both individuals feel valued and heard despite any challenges sexual activity with MS may present.

Challenges to Sex with MS & How to Overcome Them

Living with MS can change sensory, motor, or autonomic functions, which may present challenges in sexual intimacy. These challenges can direct or indirectly affect sexuality in a range of physical and emotional ways, such as creating emotional barriers, causing a lack of desire, or interrupting arousal functions. Additionally, some medications prescribed to treat MS may have sexually-inhibiting side effects.

Open communication with your partner and care physicians is the key to addressing any challenges that may arise. Many couples have reported that they have been able to connect in new and powerful ways through building trust and honest communication, discovering a level of intimacy stronger than they shared before. Along with open communication, here are other methods to try:
  • Set aside quality time
  • Journal
  • Body mapping for pleasure
  • Massages or other physical contact
  • Self-care and self-pleasure
  • Learn more about your condition

IntimateRider Sexual Mobility Aids for Sexual Intimacy with MS

Adaptive sex aids provide exceptional support and comfort during physical activity to help manage fatigue, reduce strain on limbs, and improve positioning. By easing physical necessities, you won’t have to worry about balance or stamina for a more enjoyable and fulfilling sexual experience focusing on you and your partner’s connection.

The IntimateRider® chair features soft, washable material to support your hips and back for natural movement. With a durable construction and low center of gravity, it is designed to improve sex and intimacy in a range of interabled sexual experiences. Our positioning cushions offer your partner additional comfort and support, and we carry sexual positioning straps to pull them in closer while relieving strain on the back and limbs. Find accessories, sets, and more to enhance sex and intimacy with Multiple Sclerosis.

Discover Pleasurable, Exciting Sexual Activity with MS Using the IntimateRider

Contact IntimateRider with your questions; one of our friendly and knowledgeable representatives will be happy to assist you, or you can visit our FAQ page for more information. Browse helpful resources, advice, and more in the IntimateRider blog, and shop the full line of IntimateRider products from our distributor, Living Spinal, in their online store.