IntimateRider® Provides Sexual Mobility for the Disabled

The IntimateRider is unlike any other sex chair on the market. Designed specifically for people with spinal cord injuries and other mobility-limiting disabilities, the IntimateRider helps increase your sexual mobility for an improved sexual experience.

More than just a sex chair, this sexual mobility aid is stable, comfortable and can help you achieve a range of different sexual positions with your partner. Once you and your partner become comfortable with the IntimateRider sexual disability aid, you can begin to experiment with new positions for an increased level of sexual intimacy.

The IntimateRider is available with accessories including a seat cushion to provide extra comfort and support and a positioning strap to help increase momentum and hold your partner closer to your body. We also offer travel bags made of durable denier nylon so you can take your IntimateRider with you wherever you travel.

For more information about IntimateRider and building intimacy while disabled, visit our blog, read our FAQ, and explore our library of resources. We’re ready to help you meet, navigate, and overcome the challenges of pursuing great sex at any mobility level.

The IntimateRider has a low profile for easier transfer and is lightweight, stable and can be used with or without our sexual positioning devices and accessories.

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IntimateRider Empowers Disabled Individuals to Enjoy Sexual Freedom

The IntimateRider has helped people with various disabilities experience increased sexual mobility. Brian admits to having some reservations about the IntimateRider in the beginning, and it took an open and honest discussion with his partner to decide whether to use the sex chair. These discussions are not always easy and it’s important for both partners to discuss how they feel, including any insecurities about using a disability sexual aid.

When Brian and his partner tried the IntimateRider for the first time, he says the experience was empowering. It took a few times for them to learn how to make the IntimateRider work with their individual bodies. But once they became comfortable with the sex chair they were able to toss their inhibitions aside and truly enjoy sexual freedom. The IntimateRider mobility aid helped the couple achieve a new level of closeness and intimacy and helped Brian experience sex in a way similar to what is was before his spinal cord injury.

Watch Brian’s testimonial to hear more about his experience and how using the IntimateRider created an improved and more meaningful sexual experience for him and his partner.

“It gives me back the same sexual experience that I used to have.” Brian

Questions? Contact us!

Couple with disability

Communicating with Your Partner About Sex and Sexual Mobility Aids

When it comes to communicating with your partner about sex fear may set in. You are opening a vulnerable part of yourself that can lead to your feelings potentially being rejected. Your thoughts can be your worst enemy when thinking about communicating with your partner about sex. The reality is that the response you receive from your partner is almost never as bad as you think it will be. Communicating with your partner about sexual desires, likes and dislikes, can not only improve your sex life but it can improve other aspects of your relationship.

If you pretend that everything is good, your partner will take the wrong cues and things will never change. Waiting too long can also make your partner feel lousy when you finally do bring up issues. They may feel upset that sex has not been making you feel good and hurt that you didn’t feel comfortable bringing it up. Also, you may find that they do not enjoy doing the same thing you don’t but continue because they think you enjoy it. If your needs are not being met and you do not make them known your partner can’t fulfill them.

Think about it. In the end, it’s your pleasure that’s on the line and communicating with your partner about sex and sexual mobility is the key.

Every situation is different but here are a few tips to help you start working on your communication.

  • Clarify the Issues – Before sitting down and talking with your partner, clarify in your mind what the issues are. Some people find that writing down the issues is helpful.
  • Timing and Location – Pick a time when you both can focus on the two of you and the conversation at hand. It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to bring it up just before you are going to be intimate.  Location can make a difference. Chose some place that is quiet without distractions. If you bring up sexual dissatisfactions in bed it can create feelings of negativity in your bedroom.
  • “I” Statements – Use statements such as “I feel that……” rather than “You make me feel like….”. People can tend to be hypersensitive about sex. Sexuality is a very personal, and there’s a lot of pressure in the world to be sexually perfect, no matter how unrealistic that is.

Suggestions for Talking About Sex and Disability Sexual Aids

  • Make sure and ask your partner if they have any suggestions on how you two can make changes.
  • If you want to bring up products that you feel will help your relationship, such as the IntimateRider, reinforce care for them by letting them know that you love and care for them and that you like being with them. Present the product as something that will enhance their own pleasure and give both of you more options when making love. Be aware of their personal sensitivities and insecurities and speak with kindness.

Expect the Best Before You Go into the Conversation

If you go into a conversation anticipating that it will go poorly, it’s much more likely to. Instead, go into it with the expectation that what you have to say is productive and important, and your partner can absolutely handle talking about sex. If you are confident, your partner is going to hear your confidence and trust what you are saying and most likely communicate more.

Sex and communication are an ongoing process and it might feel awkward at first, but don’t feel that you need to get everything out at one time. Each of you needs to take time after your discussions to think about what has been said and how to make changes that will improve your relationship.

Learn More About IntimateRider Disability Sexual Aids

The IntimateRider helps improve sexual mobility and can help put the romance back in your life by creating a fun sexual experience for both partners. Learn more about using the IntimateRider for sexual disabilities or place your order today.

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