Sex Positions for Disabilities with the IntimateRider

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The IntimateRider is a disability sexual aid that helps you achieve a natural, fluid movement for an improved sexual experience with your partner. The chair is covered with comfortable denier nylon and has a sturdy back for stability and comfort. Precision bearings provide smooth movement that feels natural, not mechanical, and require only minimal upper body motion to attain movement.


Can anyone use the IntimateRider to increase sexual mobility?

The IntimateRider was designed by a quadriplegic and can be used by many people with spinal cord injuries and other physical limitations. Spinal cord injuries vary depending on the person and the type of injury. Paraplegia typically causes loss of movement and sensation in the torso and legs, where quadriplegia can impact the torso, arms and legs. Spinal cord injuries can also affect sexual function, though this can sometimes be helped with prescribed medication or surgical implants.

It is important to understand your body and the extent of your injury before deciding whether the IntimateRider sex chair is right for you and your partner. Transferring in and out of the sexual mobility chair does require hand and arm use and slight movement of the upper body is required to achieve the natural gliding motion.

The IntimateRider chair has four stable legs and sits slightly lower than a standard wheelchair to make transferring easier. The seat has a shallow depth to allow for optimum sexual performance, so caution should be used when transferring in and out of the chair. Some users may need assistance from their partner to transfer to the chair or you can position the chair near your bed for more stability.

Many quadriplegics have successfully used the IntimateRider, but the product might not be the right fit for everyone. If you try the IntimateRider sex chair and are not satisfied or are unable to use the chair, we offer a full refund within 30 days of purchase.

Mobility Aids to Improve your Sexual Experience

“It increased the level and intensity of sex.” Lisa, White Plains, NY

The IntimateRider can be used alone or with our sexual positioning devices to have sex using a wide range of positions. Positioning devices help the able-bodied partner comfortably position themselves in front of the IntimateRider sex chair and improve the sexual experience for both partners.

The RiderMate sexual positioning device has a metal frame and is made from the same denier nylon as the chair. Our RiderMate Deluxe consists of two wedge-shaped cushions covered with a plush, washable fabric and provides more flexibility for experimenting with positions. We also provide a soft and flexible positioning strap that can help increase momentum and performance while pulling your partner closer to you.

Trying Different Positions with Limited Mobility

Once you and your partner become comfortable with using the IntimateRider you can try new positions to further enhance your sexual experience. Never push your body beyond its capabilities and make sure neither partner experiences discomfort when using certain positions. Also use caution to prevent tipping your sexual positioning devices, which could result in injury. The IntimateRider disability sexual aid has a weight limit of approximately 275 lbs., so be careful when using positions where both partners are sitting on the chair.

Here are a few fun ways you can connect with your partner using the IntimateRider and RiderMate disability sexual aids:

  • Sitting in chair with your partner sitting on your lap and facing you
  • Have your partner lean on the RiderMate or lie down on their stomach, with you positioned behind them. Or have your partner lie on their back with you positioned in front of them.  
  • Your partner on “all fours” on the floor with you positioned behind them
  • Female partner sitting in the IntimateRider chair with male partner facing her

These are just a few examples of different positions you can use with the IntimateRider. Don’t be afraid to experiment within your comfort level until you find what works best and feels right for you and your partner.

Contact Us to Learn More

Contact us to learn more about the IntimateRider disability sexual aid or place your order today.

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