New Solutions for Rehabilitation Sexuality Programs
Sex Matters
One of the most concerning issues for people going through a rehabilitation process is the issue of sexuality after an injury or other physical conditions that alter day to day to mobility. “Will I be able to have sex again?” is one of the most overheard questions in rehabs across the country. Many hospitals have included a sexuality program as part of their rehabilitation process to address this very issue. This answered to the question can now be answered at www.intimaterider.comNow, rehab specialists can offer their patients a solution to enhance sexual mobility and ultimately improve the overall quality of life for many couples in the form of the IntimateRider. This innovative product was designed by C 6-7 quadriplegic to better sexual positioning for those with physical limitations.
“The reason I created the IntimateRiders is because it has been thirty years since my accident and I have not been able to do some of these positions for years. It has brought a new dimension to my personal relationships. I feel so liberated!” To have a product that enhances physical movement for intimate relations is revolutionary onto itself. Most sexual enhancing products deal with a number of other issues but few deals with physical limitation.
Improving Quality of Life
The IntimateRider not only will enhance sexual performance but also will enhance interpersonal relationships that can now grow and flourish both physically and emotionally. Information about how the IntimateRider can help in a number of physical conditions can be found under the learn section at IntimateRider offers a free in-service about sexual mobility to medical professionals at the request of said rehabilitation center.The IntimateRider products have gained much attention from patients and professionals alike. Many groups have had a chance to discuss the benefits of this relationship enhancer at a number of conferences held throughout North America. Rehabs from coast to coast now include the IntimateRider as a part of their sexuality program to enhance the personal well-being of many couples.