> > Meet U.K. IntimateRider dealer, Spokz.

Spokz is a UK IntimateRider dealer run by Steve Dent, who has a spinal cord injury of 23 years, and his wife Melani Halacre. Spokz sells disability sports accessories, lifestyle equipment and also offers wellbeing services through its charity arm Spokz People. Spokz started when we noticed a gap in the UK market for products and services aimed at the younger generation of people with disabilities - the 20-40 year olds - there’s plenty for kids and plenty for the elderly, but not a lot in-between. It is Spokz' mission to enhance the lives of those with disabilities through lifestyle, leisure and sports products and services aimed at enhancing one’s physical, mental and sexual wellbeing, at affordable prices and with good old-fashioned customer service. We started selling the IntimateRider when Mel met Steve in 2006 and Mel said to Steve that she did not always want to be the one in charge in the bedroom, so Steve went on a hu

nt on the internet and found the IntimateRider. The IntimateRider offers so much versatility in our personal lives that we really wanted to sell it on our website so others could use it too. Since then we have expanded and found other sexual aids and are now one of the first businesses in our country to offer a range of sexual aids for physical disability along with sexual advice and support. We were on national television in July promoting the IntimateRider on a sex education show which was viewed by 3 million people, which was great. We also attend lots of disability exhibitions and always take the IntimateRider with us. Normally speaking sex products are not allowed at exhibitions (here in the UK we are still a bit shy about sex) but somehow we always manage to get the IntimateRider on our stand with a large poster behind it which says “Let’s talk about Sex!” It’s so great talking to existing and potential customers about how our products can get them into relationships or help them to maintain existing one. We speak to so many people who are just brimming to talk about sex and have lots of exciting stories to tell about their adventures into relationships and combating disability prejudice from friends, parents, education, potential partners and society in general. Times really are changing and disabled people are finding their voice and starting to fight for their right to intimate relationships. It’s exciting watching it all happen! We hope to enhance the sex lives of those with disabilities and break down the stereotypical barriers that prevent those with disabilities from achieving fulfilling relationships and sex lives. But having a fulfilling sex life is about so much more than having the right product to assist you. For this reason Spokz People offers a counselling service, a free online forum about sex, relationships and disability, support groups and training on confidence and body image. We are also trying to build a community between other disability companies who like us have a nose for what’s in fashion, offer unique stuff and most importantly don’t rip off customers but value them and offer a good service. We want to spread the word that disabled sex is GREAT sex and disabled lovers make the best lovers!
This blog post was submitted by the fine folks at Spokz. You can reach Spokz at info@spokz.co.uk or
Thank you Steve and Mel!