Live Free of Disability Sex Myths

Live Free of Disability Sex Myths

By Rhonda Campbell  

You may not think of it this way, but sexual health is a key part of your overall health. This includes your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. The American Health Sexual Association shares that sexual health is natural and about more sexual behavior.

Disability Sex Myth #1 - Disabled People Don't Want To Have Sex

Sexuality and disability shares a similar conclusion, stating that sexuality is about more than just having sex. In fact, human express their sexuality in thoughts, fantasies, attitudes, perceptions and habits and practices. So, why do so many people wrestle with disability sex myths? Why do so many people think that just because a person has a physical disability that they don't desire to express themselves sexually? Of all the disability sex myths that may be the more common myth. That single disability sex myth can make it difficult for a person with a disability to be viewed as a healthy sex partner.

Disability Sex Myth #2 - Disabled People Need Lots of Help

Women with physical disabilities say that they are viewed with surprise when they become pregnant. When disabled women seek birth control or prenatal support, they may be treated as if they are a child instead of an adult. People may also go out of their way to offer the women unnecessary help. They may rush to open a door, after a disabled woman has already shown that she can get in and out of doors on her own. Speaking more slowly and explaining documents down to smallest detail are other ways that people offer unnecessary help to disabled adults. The belief that disabled adults need lots of help can cause potential partners to think that being in a relationship with a disabled person would be too much work, both in and out of the bedroom.

Disability Sex Myth #3 - A Disabled Person Is Less Attractive or Highly Sexed

And it's not just women who face these responses. Men with physical disabilities also deal with inaccurate perceptions, including disability sex myths. For example, some people view a disabled person as being less attractive. Other people think that people with physical disabilities are highly sexed and that they think about sex nearly all the time.

Disability Sex Myth #4 - Sex Education Isn't Necessary

Because of disability sex myths, some educators and everyday people think that a disabled person doesn't need sex education. This myth applies whether a person has a physical, mental or an emotional disability.

Disability Sex Myth #5 - Sex Is All About The Body

This is another of the big disability sex myths. Many people believe that limbs have the biggest impact on sexuality. One would think that sexual fantasies would toss out this myth, but they haven't. Fact is that the brain is the most important sex organ. For example, if someone has mental blocks as it regards sex, they may not enjoy sex even if they have no physical disabilities. In a similar vein, a person who has a physical disability can enjoy sex even if they don't have feeling in one or more parts of their body.

Overcoming disability sex myths is a great way to start learning more about yourself. It is also a great way to discover more aspects of a person. If you're attracted to someone with a physical  disability, living free of disability sex myths could give you the courage to approach the person.

As with any relationship, you won't know what could happen if you don't ask. That same disabled person could teach you new ways to explore yourself, both in and out of the bedroom. They could also introduce you to a rewarding relationship, not because they are disabled, but because you're both beautiful, healthy people.  
