IntimateRider to be Featured at Atlanta Abilities Expo

The IntimateRider has been a part of the Abilities Expo all around the country for over three years. Though the years the IntimateRider has open the minds and improved the sex life for hundreds of couples that live with a physical disabilities.
The funnest part of working at the IntimateRider booth is the smile reaction that comes from the attendees when they figure out just what the IntimateRider can do for them. It does not take long to understand what the IntimateRider can do and you can start to see the light bulbs start going on over every bodies head. People with all sorts of disabilities go to the Abilities Expo to find new ideas and products that will help them in their everyday life.
It is also a great place to network with professionals and other people with physical challenges to find out just what is working for them. The Abilities Expo and the IntimateRider are both exciting ways to add a new activity into your life. The IntimateRider is partnering with Liberator bedroom adventure gear at this years Atlanta Abilities Expo. Now you will be able to see how the sexual positioning foam wedges will complement the thrusting movement of the IntimateRider. The combination of the Liberator positioning wedges and the IntimateRider wil give couples will give couples a sexual experience that will never get old.
Please stop in and visit the IntimateRider at booth number 625 and find out more about the Abilities show special prices. The Atlanta Abilities Expo is October 15-17 2010 at the Cobb Galleria Convention Center and the admission is Free!