Many couples have discovered the IntimateRider at the Abilities Expo through-out the years and once again the IntimateRider will be featured at the next Abilities Expo. Great products, free workshops, fun events and the IntimateRider will all be apart of the Chicagoland Abilities Expo held July 9-11 at the Schaumburg Convention Center.
Why Visit?
The Abilities Expo has provided an excellent forum for companies with disability products and services to reach out and enhance the lives of this community and the
IntimateRider has been a big hit at every show. If attending the show in Chicago, please visit booth #612 to see the
IntimateRider first hand and learn how it can improve your sex life. You may also register to win a free
IntimateRider Romance Set and the newly designed IntimateRider T-shirts.
What's Included?
There will also be an Abilities Expo Sale price available only at the IntimateRider booth. New this year is the addition of Liberator Bedroom
Adventure Gear to the IntimateRider booth. Liberator offers an assortment of foam wedges to enhance sexual positioning with or without the IntimateRider. In fact, the IntimateRider Adventure Set is on sale to all show goers in Chicago. The Adventure Set includes the IntimateRider along with the specially designed Liberator foam wedges. Visit
www.abilitiesexpo.com for more information about the Chicagoland Abilities Expo.